Can´t solve a filter inside a lookup

Hi fellow Coders,

I’m trying to create a self-referencing table, but I need to add a filter to display just a few options.

The problem is as follows:
1- I want to build a blog post and social media management system in a single table.
2- First, I choose the platform, which can be a social network or a blogging platform.
3- After writing a blog article, I want to post the link to that article on social media.
4- To do this, I select a social network in [platform] and then I want to have a list that presents only the lines that are “Articles”.
5-For this, I used the Concatenate command to create a searchable Content ID as a display column, joining [platform] with other relevant information.
6- I created a lookup using the [content id] column, but I only want to show options that contain the word “Article”. I couldn’t get this filter inside the lookup to work at all.

Any idea?

Dear @Marcio_Assencio_Araujo,

Please find below a copy of your doc, where I have made a new column (checkbox) with a formula that all with " Article" are true and on top of it an interactive filter accordingly;

Does this give you the expected outcome?

Hi, @Jean_Pierre_Traets, thank you for your quick response!

I don´t think it has solved my problem.
What I need is the ability to choose from the [Article] dropdown only content ID that contains the expression “Article”. And then I will make some other rows that will reference to this content automatically.

Sorry if I couldn´t make myself clear. English is not my mother language…

Still don´t know how to do it…

Dear @Marcio_Assencio_Araujo,

Have you considered to check:

Maybe there is already a template that contains a solution for what you want to achive :thinking:

Don’t give up, either I will try to check again or maybe some other community member gets what you are after :rocket:

Thank you @Jean_Pierre_Traets!

I will check it out.

I think finding a similar formula inside dozens of templates will be almost impossible, but I´ll try my luck.

thanks again!