Change value of opened row

To be honest i don’t how to describe the problem in the title of this post but let me explain :
i want to have two tables lets call them : article , name
article can have multiple names those, multiple articles can have same names so basically its 1 to multiple relation and those relation can be copied (this is crucial).
so for example :
article 1 has name1, name2, name3
and article 2 has name3, name4 , name5

ok all i want the button in name table is not clickable until i open a row in the article table … then i click the name i want and replace the article with the name . so it only modify the opened article

i hope this is clear, also if there is a name for this issue i can change the title (maybe) , this is the link of doc shows the issue i am having

If I understood the task correctly, this is actually a very interesting case. For example, if there's a need to perform an operation on the currently opened card from the table using a selected 'preset' in the subtable. In this case, it's the operation of assigning a name based on the chosen 'preset.'

I am attaching a revised doc and a video demonstrating how this mechanic works. All new properties and buttons come with detailed descriptions of what they perform. The operation is based on sequentially marking the necessary entries in the database and processing them through buttons. The system button ‘Expand Row’ has been replaced with a custom one, serving as the initial functional element of the entire mechanic.

Again, I’m not sure if I understood the idea correctly, but I will be glad if I managed to be helpful. :nerd_face:


this is exactly what im looking for … wow thanks for your work, video thats beyond my skills … thats why i love this community

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Your case is not just an interesting challenge but an example of how to organize a system of presets where each entry can have its own unique set of associated presets awaiting activation.

I often use the internal templates module for canvas, where we can select a template with a predefined set of content from a dropdown list. However, your case is an example of a more advanced preset system.

This can be applied not only in copywriting but also, for instance, to quickly compare products, create a dynamic onboarding process, and much more. So thank you for the interesting challenge! :sunglasses:

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i have never thought of these cases… thanks for your help, time, and explanation


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