Choose different column for display in views

It would be great if we could choose to use a different field as the focus for a view. For example, I have a table with lots of content and I’d like to make a few different Gantt chart views of it, some of which would need to use a different column for the focus (ie, the list on the left hand side of a Gantt).


I second this! Very much needed. It is good that it is possible to reference both a table and a view of a table. But it should be possible to choose a different display column for the view.

Now, when changing the display column in the view, it changes it in the table itself as well.

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is there any update on this? It’ very much needed for the same exact reason. I initially wished I could add columns to the gantt like in a normal table, found out that it was not possible, had to choose only one column, just to find out that I cannot specify which one. It has to be the same display column across all views… have you found a workaround yet?

Create a new column - set it to display and the type to formula. Then create an if or switch or anything to get the value you want to display.

@Josh_Unwin1 @Johan_Nyman @Ford You can now update the label display on timelines without having to update the display column. Additionally, we’ve given the timeline display panel a visual refresh to make setting up your timeline that much easier.

Previously, to update the labels in a timeline you had to change the display column, often having negative consequences on other views such as Card views. Now you can simply choose any column (that is a supported column type) and directly display this on your timeline without affecting other views.

Screen Capture on 2023-11-29 at 12-24-52.gif

We look forward to your continued feedback as we continue to invest and enable new possibilities with timelines in the coming months - stay tuned!

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I love it! Thank you for implementing this!

Allow users to save their preferred views for quick access. This could include configurations for different Gantt charts, each focusing on a specific column or set of columns.

Are there plans to have the label display option on calendar view as well @Sam_Harper ?