How can I configure the information displayed when hovering the mouse over a column field relational to another table?
Hello friends.
I have a table called “Activities”, in this table I have a column called Epic, this Epic column is relational to the “Epic” table, in this column you must select which Epic the activity to be created belongs to.
After selecting the Epic for which the Activity is to be planned, placing the mouse over the Epic field shows additional information (other columns) found in the Epic table. I need to configure the fields that I select to be displayed. .
Grateful for the information.
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Hello @Crea_Agil
The columns you will see are all the visible columns in your source (master) table. So, the columns you don’t want to see need to be hidden.
This results in a master table that is a bit harder to use, but generally speaking, you don’t want to use your source table for a lot of interaction (a lot of makers put all the source tables on a hidden page(s)).
You can create a view of the source table with more columns visible, that won’t affect what you see when hoovering over a row in a related column.
The consequence you need to be aware of it that this will affect all related column that point to this specific source table, but generally that should not be a problem.
You can create a modal (for the source table or for the view) that shows all or just a selection of the columns you want to see.
There is a way to control
exactly what appears when you hover on an item in Coda.
I have created a pack and template doc for this.
To install the pack and the necessary table/formulas, just create a new page in your doc and type
/Agile Popups
anywhere on the canvas. Then follow the instructions that appear.
You define each popup layout as a row in the Popups
table (and give it a NAME).
Then anywhere you have the formula @NAME.PopUp
you will see the first item displayed and when the user hovers on that, the popup window you defined will appear.
The template doc has a few examples to show how it works. You should replace them with your own popups. This mechanism can also be used to create drop-down menus as well.
The formula at the heart of this is…
' ',thisRow.Display._merge(),
' ',thisRow.Content._merge()
Since the Display
and Content
columns are canvas-columns, you can create almost any layouts you like for the popups.
I will post a video on this shortly.
Hi Joost, thank you very much for your reply. I had just found the solution to isolate and hide the source table by configuring it to only leave visible the columns I need, creating 2 more views of the table, one in kanban cards (where the user interacts) and another in table view from which I can work if I need to manage something quickly.
However, I still have a concern about how having so many views of the same tables affects the performance of the document and how it can be managed if necessary.
Dear Agile_Dinamics, thank you very much for your response. I will definitely try it and let you know. I ask you, at the efficiency level (size and speed) for the document, is applying the add-on you propose better than the solution of duplicating a view of the source table only with the fields that I want to see?
Hello @Crea_Agil ,
I have hundreds of views and I don’t experience any problems with performance. Obviously, at some point, to much is to much, but in my experience, performance becomes an issue if your tables (in particular tables with a lot of formulas and relations to and from this table) become to large (10’s of thousands of records.
I have a page with statistics and diagrams on a 15K row table and I have put a switch on that page to turn the statistics on or off, because I don’t need this page to recalculate everything with every mutation. The page takes about 5 seconds or a little more to update when I turn statistics on, but it works (good enough for me).
All tables are in your doc and downloaded when you open your doc, so size matters. I think that views don’t add too much overhead. If you are talking about a couple of views per table, you should be OK.