Creating an interface like Sunsama

Hey guys,
Just started using Coda and loving it so far. I can’t figure out how to set up an interface like this

Because the dates don’t show up because they are empty in Coda.
Is there any way to fix this? Maybe with automation?

hi @Steven_Cornelis

Maybe via grouping you can achieve this

the formatting of the text (bold, H3 etc) I don’t see that part yet, the functions format() and Concatenate both take away any formatting you created on forehand.

hope it helps, Christiaan

Also, show as cards.

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thanks @Tomislav_Mamic , that it indeed an option to mix grouping with cards

@Steven_Cornelis , I hope this one helps you out:

the basic tabel can be turned into something else. I guess that the length of the string is something to pay attention to.

Hey @Christiaan_Huizer, thanks for the quick follow up. I already created this interface:

The problem is when I want to drag it in a date in the future it doesn’t yet exist. How can I add the next seven days for instance?

Hi @Steven_Cornelis ,
well in that case you need a table that contains all the dates
you generate such a table for example with this trick by using an additional table that contains the start & end date and the dates between you use as values for new rows. In your target table you can select how many of these rows you want to show at once.

voila, cheers, Christiaan

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