CrossDoc: Create a new Coda API token

When setting up a new CrossDoc connection, you may get prompted to ‘+ Set up another account’ to add the permission to read and write to an external table. After clicking ‘set up’ I get a screen that says: “Create a new Coda API token”:

What is the correct value to put in for ‘Doc or table to grant access to’?

I have tried CrossDoc’ing the target table into my doc, and then copy the url from the ‘Last synced X hrs ago from here’ and that was not successful.

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does anyone know? Same issue…

@oleg can you help us here? This has been almost a year.

If you highlight a row in a table, then look at the URL in the web address bar, you’ll see a _txxxx that is the table, or grid, id. The _t part is the prefix stating that it’s the id for a table or grid and the 4 characters after are the id. You can leave off the /r1 part, which is the row id for the row that’s highlighted.

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@BenLee thank you - so you’re saying it is sufficient to put, in this example,


in the ‘Doc or Table to grant access to’ field? Do we need to put it in quotes?

You need the whole URL, because we pull the doc id from it as well. So you need up to that part. I highlighted it just so you know what to look for. Sometimes a table is highlighted visually, but that’s not in the URL. So highlighting a row will make sure you have a full URL that can be used.

TBH I never got it working and just ended up deleting those tokens.

I tried to use:

  • The doc ID / table ID shortened “browser URL” format: _d<X10>#_tu<X3>
  • Same but full browser URL with prepended
  • The full doc ID / table ID with #: _d<X10>#_tugrid-<X10>
  • Same but with the prefix
  • / instead of # in the variations above.

Frankly I don’t remember any of those worked. So, confession: the tokens I made manually are all unrestricted :grimacing:

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