"Days in column" Solution?

Has anyone figured out how to display the number of days a card has been in a column, or in an existing state? Very helpful to see tasks that have stalled out.

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Hi @Charles_123,

that’s quite easy to set, and indeed very useful. Here are my proposal, I think there are two main solutions :

1-Use button to change state
The first possibility is to use a button that will change the state of your card, and use it to track the time you change it, giving the Now() value in a column, and then the elapsed time will If(thisRow.ChangeTracker!="",Now()-thisRow.ChangeTracker ,"" )


That works if you dont have too much status, otherwise the second solution :

2-Use automation

As you wish to track a change of status (or column, it’s the same if you use kanban view), you can put an automation that will track the status column change, and then modify the value of ChangeTracker. It’s better if you have multiple status, but slower !

Please let me know if I misunderstood your point,


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We tend to use option (2) with multiple kanban states and then use conditional formatting when a card sits idle for 3 days (yellow) and 7 days (red)

Hi @Mark_Kilby-SPRZ ,

yes for me it’s by far the best solution, as it doesnt depend of the number of different state.
And of course, I do not mention here all the conditionnal formating and tracker you can set to improve vizualization of the chronometer !

Actually looking at the ideas on this page Created, Started, and Completed timestamps for Kanban-style tasks to try to get more visuals on overall flow of the work on multiple teams (with slightly different boards). So trying to work up visuals that summarize each team in a similar way. Not quite there yet, but I’m enjoying working in Coda after many other systems where it’s not so easy to DIY.

Thanks folks! For option #2, do you worry about the shear number of rows that will be created In any reasonable timespan breaking coda?

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