Dynamic Progress Bar within the Label's Button šŸ’”

Hi there fellow Makers :grin: !

Creating and using ā€œProgress Barā€ within Coda has always been one of my favorite trickā€¦ The trick that blew my mind when I stumbled upon it, not long after joining this awesome Community :star2: !

ā€œProgress Barsā€ can be used in various ways : you could create HSL Sliders, a visual summary of your day or your budgetsā€¦

One thing I never thought about though, was to use a progress bar within the label of a button to show the progress of the buttonā€™s action, while the action runs :bulb: ā€¦ and of course, I was in amazed by seeing it done in @Paul_Danyliuk wonderful Duplicates Finder & Merger Template :raised_hands: :star_struck:, not only by the astounding template Paul created but by how this ā€œsmallā€ visual detail made a huge difference :grin: .

In case, youā€™ve missed it or donā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about, just look at the Find duplicates button in the gif below :wink: :point_down:

The thing is that I didnā€™t really see how to create such ā€œProgress Barā€ :thinking: ā€¦ So yesterday, I finally gave it a try and found a way, which is why Iā€™m here :blush: .

But first, letā€™s just talk a little bit aboutā€¦

:bulb: ā€œProgress Barsā€ in Coda

A progress bar can be created by concatenating X number of Rectangle() you would needā€¦

Concatenate(Rectangle(),Rectangle()) => Progress Bar

Where the Width of each Rectangle() is a fraction (%) of the total Width of the resulting ā€œProgress Barā€ :blush: .

Just to illustrateā€¦

In my 1st Rectangle()

Rectangle(120 * Percent_1/100, 15, Color_1)

120 is the whole Width of my Progress Bar from which we only keep 40% ā€¦
(15 is for the Height and Color_1 is the color of this rectangle should have)

In my 2nd Rectangle()

Rectangle(120 * Percent_2/100, 15, Color_2)

120 is still the whole Width of my Progress Bar but this time we keep 60% ā€¦

Rectangle 1 + Rectangle 2 => 100% => The Progress Bar

Now that we know thisā€¦ hereā€™s how I was able to get a ā€¦

:bulb: Dynamic Progress Bar within the Label of a Button

As I needed an Action I knew would run for ā€œa whileā€ I used a canvas button to create all dates for the first quarter (Q1) of 2022 :blush: . (It just adds 1 row/per dates in the table called [2022 - Q1])

The Action Formula looks like this:

      [2022 - Q1],
      [2022 - Q1].Date,

And I ended up with this formula for the Label of that button:

    [2022 - Q1].Count() = 0,
    "Create Q1 2022",
    [2022 - Q1].Count() >= 1 AND [2022 - Q1].Count() < RowsCount,
          120 * [2022 - Q1].Count()/RowsCount, 10, "#5cff85"
          120 - (120 * [2022 - Q1].Count()/RowsCount), 10, "#a0a0a0"
    [2022 - Q1].Count() = RowsCount,

The 1st condition in the SwitchIf() is the text to display when the button has not been clicked yet : and the 3rd condition is to display ā€œDone!ā€ when the Action is completed and the button added all the needed rows :blush: .

The 2nd SwitchIf() condition is where the ā€œmagicā€ :sparkles: happens but this time, the Width of each Rectangle() is determined by ā€œhow complete the Action isā€ and in this case, the Action is complete when the numbers of rows in the table is equal to the numbers of rows I ask the button to add :blush: .

[2022 - Q1].Count() = RowsCount

And RowsCount being:


So in my 1st Rectangle()

          120 * [2022 - Q1].Count()/RowsCount,10,"#5cff85"

120 is the whole Width of the Progress Bar (i.e.: 100%) from which we only keep the portion equal to [2022 - Q1].Count()/RowsCount

For the 2nd Rectangle():

          120 - (120 * [2022 - Q1].Count()/RowsCount), 10, "#a0a0a0"

As the Progress Bar needs to reflect an ā€œemptyā€ state at the beginning of the Action, then it needs to reflect a ā€œfullerā€ state as the Action progresses and as 120 is still the whole Width of the Progress Bar, the Width of this rectangle can be determined by 120 - (120 * [2022 - Q1].Count()/RowsCount) :blush: ā€¦

And thatā€™s it :innocent: !

Sorry for the length :sweat_smile: ā€¦ But thanks for reading :raised_hands: !

I wonā€™t be able to thank @Paul_Danyliuk enough for the inspiration, so Iā€™m just going to stick with a simple Thank you so so so very much :raised_hands: :grin: :bulb: !!!

Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™ll probably have things to add and/or correct here and there :wink: ā€¦


Wow! What a cool trick @Pch. Thanks for sharing such a thoughtful and detailed writeup. Iā€™ll certainly be using this in future docs.


this is so amazing!!! thank you for the detailed writeup


This is pretty slick - nice work!


Really love this little piece of UX delight. Great idea, and beautifully written guide. Definitely going into the bookmarks, thanks gents :slight_smile:

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