European date formats default option

Australian user here; we use DD/MM/YYYY also.

Having to reformat the display options in every single date column and modify every single date entry in formulae, to match our regional default (and far superior) date format is not how half the world should have to use Coda.

I really hope that this is just a display level issue, and the underlying structure is actually ISO8601?? At least that is not confusing and ambiguous like the MMDDYYYY / DDMMYYYY issue.

This needs to be a default account level option, alongside Regional Timezone and First day of week.
I would place it as way more important than First day of week even.

Thanks Coda for fixing this (in early 2024 please? :wink: )


Brazilian here
Manipulating dates is so good in Coda when you donā€™t have to transform it. Please let us set standard formats for our docs


After four years, nothing was done about this? Iā€™m not sure the Coda team understands how easy it is for non-US users to get their dates wrong and have their docs ridden with incorrect, undetectable erroneous data.

As a developer, I understand the initial oversight may require a lot of work to fix, but postponing wonā€™t help, as any new development involving dates will add to the toll. I love Coda, but Iā€™m now thinking about having a look at alternatives. Considering that the related default currency symbol request hasnā€™t been implemented either (which baffles me ā€“ this one should be easy, as no conversion is needed), it just seems to me that they actually donā€™t care.


Coda, please, itā€™s been 4 years and no indication yet that this might be solved. Iā€™ve just migrated from Notion and this is already driving me wild when I want to insert a date into my notes using today(). Would love it if you could fix this!


Iā€™ve just signed up again after trying Coda a few years ago, and now I remember why I quit Coda last time. Canā€™t believe this is still an issue in 2024. I can change tables manually but any other date refs are giving me 5/10/2024 and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s not October yet. :expressionless:


Just submitted a bug report about this, and then found this thread. I cannot believe that this is happening at a supposedly competent software company in 2024.



I find it quite concerning that, four years later, we still donā€™t have the option to choose a default date format or set a language preference. While I understand that implementing a language setting might slow down the addition of new featuresā€”a trade-off that, as a doc maker, I can acceptā€”this limitation currently makes the usage of the calendar view confusing for most of my customers. However, the ability to set a default date format is a fundamental feature that should have been implemented years ago.

Having this option would greatly enhance the experience of doc makers, reducing confusion and improving efficiency.


A large +1 to this.
Dates format and number formats are two pain points for non-US users.

Iā€™ve compiled a quick reference for using the undocumented FormatDateTime() formula, which helps a bit on the presenting side: Format DateTime Reference

It does not do the trick when you are importing data in a different format, though ā€“ so we still need support for other data formats (and number formats tooā€¦ not everyone uses commas to separate the thousands and dots to separate the decimals).


The people are speaking loudly on this one!


:wave:t5: Hi everyone, many thanks for all your ongoing feedback!

Weā€™ve been working behind the scenes to create more flexibility for international teams, and am excited to share that weā€™ve added three new settings: date order, date format, and time format.

You can read more about it here.


Thanks Iā€™ll check it out

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Wow!! Thank you so much for this highly anticipated update! Iā€™m already using it in my docs. :handshake:

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