Filter Applicable People

When selecting options in a People column type, the list includes everyone who has access to the document. However, for some of these columns, I’m only wanting certain team members to be options, excluding outside consultants etc. as options.

Is there a way to only show certain people as options in these columns?

Hello @Jacob_Bauer ,

There are different approaches to accomplish that. The one I like best is make a people table with a pack (like Doc Explorer) and add some columns, like “Permission” or “Autorisation”. You can have the table sync automatically so users of your doc are added or deleted automatically (but manual sync is also an option).

In your tables, you can select people by using this new table - and applying a filter based on one of the column as mentioned above.

Greetings, Joost

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This is really helpful. Is there any way that I could get more clarification or a brief demo?

You can share your doc with me and I can show you how it is done. Unfortunately I cannot share my docs with the outside world. I don’t think there is any documentation available, but it really is not that complicated. Did you try to set it up?

Sorry for the delay here! Here is a sample doc with what I’m trying to go for.

The “Responsible” Person column lists everyone with shared access.


However, I only want members who are marked as active.

So far, the best I can do is a filtered select list of the column from the Doc access table, but instead of it being an option to select a person, you only select a row.

Please let me know if you need any more clarification!

Hello @Jacob_Bauer

You were doing it right, but you have to make sure you set the proper display column in the related table. You will always select what I call an object (the Coda Pill), which allows you to retrieve much more info.

Let me know if this is not the desired result. You can also set it up as a select list giving more of a text type result. I added a column like that to your sample table.

Happy coding,
Greetings, Joost

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