Hi. I’ve been exporting documents for a while to PDF. Without problems.
Yesterday a new bug has started to occur.
For Files where there is more content, it creats an almost empty cover page (where content should start), to only send the bulk of the content to page 2. And then an empty page 3.
Exporting has also suddenly become very sluggish. I often have to export 3-4 times so that my file is created.
Thanks for reaching out to report this, @Sigrid_Ramberger . It sounds like this could be buggy behavior. That said, I will be moving this to the Bugs section of the Community.
In order for us to investigate this as a bug for you, can you please submit a bug report by clicking the ? in the bottom right hand corner of your Coda doc or dashboard? Please be sure to share your doc with us so our team can attempt to reproduce the issue.