Help optimising/correctly connecting tables in Finance doc


Quite new to Coda and hoping to get some guidance with properly connecting the data/tables within a finance tracker I am building for myself. I think I have the base of it down but losing my way a little with making sure it is all connected in an optimal way and with correct formulas etc. But I am unsure if what I want to achieve is also realistic for Coda.

My overall aim is to connect everything to my main database the “Accounts” table that will allow me to display “live” up to date information like Balances and Utilisation, ideally on a day to day basis but also still be able to filter by other time frames or other parameters. I would then ideally like to visualise the data in a simple dashboard and utilise buttons that allow me to add data as necessary without tampering with the tables themselves.

As far as I can assess, the following is what need to be connected/need formulas:

Accounts Table

  • Balance: Culmination of the other main tables; income, expenses & transfers
  • Available: Deduction of available funds for accounts that have a “Limit”, here I have some trouble as some accounts are debt accounts such as credit card which are negative balances when being utilised but then also current/checking accounts with available overdrafts which are not in negative balances
  • Progress Bar to show utilisation linked to the Available column - is there a way to trigger/display warnings at certain utilisation points?

Expense Categories & Budget

  • Progress Bar to show Budget Utilisation - as above, is there a way to trigger/display warnings at certain points?
  • Total Expendature per category - to provide data for Account Balances ideally filterable by different time frames as described above


  • Total Expendature per Vendor - to provide data for Account Balances ideally filterable by different time frames as described above

Income Record

  • Total Income to provide data for Account Balances ideally filterable by different time frames as described above

Expense Record

  • Total Expense to provide data for Account Balances ideally filterable by different time frames as described above

Transfer Record - to provide data for other tables

  • Total Transferred Out/From
  • Total Transferred In/To
  • Total Transferred to Financial Goals

Bills & Subscriptions

  • Total Expendature per set time frames

Financial Goals

  • Progress Bar - This is no problem and can probably figure out on my own but thought to include incase it can be utilised somehow
  • Total & Average Contributions per set time frames

If anyone can offer any guidance on best practice/how best to connect all the dots in the most efficient/practical way it would be hugely appreciated, suggestions on general improvements also welcomed. The general aim is to be able to accurately track finances, get ontop of things and visualise it as easily as possible.

Many thanks in advance!

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