September 1, 2020, 10:05am
I’ve made some other post regarding apps in coda, and many other have been made by other community users, i’ll try to keep this post updated with those to create a sort of list of feature useful in using coda as an app maker.
Cross-doc as Cloud Backup:
Hello there
I want to present a good solution that i’ve prepared to manage my user’s data in my doc.
Warning: You will need cross doc actions for this!
Let’s first understand the use case with a drawing:
[Screenshot 2020-08-06 at 11.26.12]
I have all the “client” side that is represented by the central docs, one for every user/organization/community, this is the doc that users use.
Then on the left i have the “one way” “server side” that store data that are needed in “view only” …
In case you didn’t notice it yourself, Coda cross-doc already supports adding, modifying, and deleting rows in other docs.
This isn’t hidden functionality: it’s in the formula editor hints as well as the docs . However it seems it’s not quite ready for release too: the UI for setting this up without a formula is still incomplete, and the docs leave quite a lot for you to figure out on your own. Hence this topic to clear things up.
Here’s how you add a row into a cross-doc table:
Here’s an implementation of a survey form that’s hosted in a separate doc. It can be filled in play mode (while embedded) without having to sign in to Coda unfortunately no, you must be signed into Coda, but no need to open this doc in a separate tab, copy it, or have editor access I stay corrected once again, this doc must be shared with you as an editor . Turns out you cannot trigger cross-doc actions if you’re not an editor. And of course you cannot fill it in View mod…
Here’s a new spontaneous tutorial that I just recorded
As a Coda expert for hire, I need to track my work for different clients. Obviously I do it in Coda, and I want to do it in a single doc so that I can see all the summary in one place. Today I was rebuilding it and thought it would be nice to make a template that I could copy and share privately with each of my ongoing clients, populated separately with only the data each of them can see.
Previously I showed how to build thi…
Use Button as Pop-Up:
Hi everyone
In my doc i’ve found cool to add a “creative pop-up” to my “integrated user level manager”, in this way my users have a notification (more engaging than the usual ones) that inform them of their new features unlock.
I’m pretty sure that the same concept could be applied in other use cases, like to notify a limit of usage, or also to ask for data entry.
Yeah, no rocket science, just an “open row for editing” lol but in my case it’s perfect because it’s all done in an…
Right now, you can’t open a row with a button. You can either click the “Expand row” icon on the far left of the row, or you can press option + space on the keyboard. Sometimes, though, it might be useful to open a row when you click a button, especially if you’re pairing it with other buttons in order to perform simultaneous actions.
Until we add that to the product, here’s a (albeit hacky) way to open a row with a button:
Step 1: pull in the full URL of a popped-open row. Make sure to put it…
License Manager
Hi everybody!
I want to present here a possible approach to the Licensing Management system that will soon be required thanks to publishing docs option.
The question is: “what is the best way to let users pay for using docs made by makers?” (i add: …after a demo and if wanted…)
I was using a “traditional” approach, that was using a cross-doc with a table that works as a license manager (3 columns, Name, E-mail and license type)
Then the table is synced in the main app and then the use…
UI Design:
Here’s a mega trick how you can implement a gorgeous dashboard in Coda:
[ (57)]
Create a table with a single row. Pull in all the data you need into columns. Each dashboard element (a chart, a table etc) — a separate column. By pull I mean either import the whole table or some filtered subset:
Make a Details view out of that table. Go to Customize Layout, and select Quick Style 3:
Quick style 3 has one big advantage: you can have two equally wide c…
Rotating News
Hi all,
I just published a doc to show how to self-call actions recursively within a timer:
It is in the form of a rotating news service, so hopefully also useful for practical purposes.
Sections are commented in terms of functional explanation.
Credits to @Paul_Danyliuk who long ago provided an excellent end-to-end example on how to use the _DELAY() hidden function in his post:
Hope you will enjoy it: feel free to ask for more details and/or if yo…
Social features
Hey guys,
Built this for another project. Figured other users might get some use out of it!
Basic Features:
Simple friending system. A user adds you as a friend, and you’re notified. Only if you add them back can you two message.
Chat View: Switch between chats with all friends, and view your chat in a scrolling interface like Messenger.
System Messages: Simply create a message with no “From”, and “To” the two users you want to send it to, and it will show as a system mess…
I’ll try to keep those up to date with the post in the community, if you think a post should be here please tell me!
Let’s create apps on coda!
Coming soon:
How to manage users and groups of user to share data between them, creating apps for communities
@Johg_Ananda i’ve reviewed with more care your linked post,
i’ve resolved your issue creating a dummy/demo user that is loaded in every filter/formula in place of the usual “User()”.
This resolve the problem in the sense that is this custom formula “currentuser” that tells you if the user is valid or not.
If user is valid the return will be “RealUser”, if not gives back the dummy user.
If an user is “validated” it load the tables according to his/her/whatever email, if not validated the demo account is used.
This will always show only a portion of the data
It’s too late for that?