Ideas for Apps based on Coda


I’ve made some other post regarding apps in coda, and many other have been made by other community users, i’ll try to keep this post updated with those to create a sort of list of feature useful in using coda as an app maker.

Cross-doc as Cloud Backup:


Use Button as Pop-Up:



License Manager

UI Design:

Rotating News

Social features


I’ll try to keep those up to date with the post in the community, if you think a post should be here please tell me! :blush:

Let’s create apps on coda! :grin:

Coming soon:
How to manage users and groups of user to share data between them, creating apps for communities

@Johg_Ananda i’ve reviewed with more care your linked post,
i’ve resolved your issue creating a dummy/demo user that is loaded in every filter/formula in place of the usual “User()”.
This resolve the problem in the sense that is this custom formula “currentuser” that tells you if the user is valid or not.
If user is valid the return will be “RealUser”, if not gives back the dummy user.
If an user is “validated” it load the tables according to his/her/whatever email, if not validated the demo account is used.
This will always show only a portion of the data
It’s too late for that?