Images embedded inside text in Text Columns, is there an easy solution?

So after trying various approaches, so far I don’t see a way to have an image sit inside text inside a Text Column. The ironic part is that you can have a single Image in a Text Column, and you can combine Rich Text with an Image column using Concatenate to produce an inlined image. I’ve noted these approaches and others that failed in this document:


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Running into this same problem. Any update from the Coda team as to whether this is on the radar?

It’s basically not possible to work with images and formulas at the same time.

It seems especially strange that the Image formula doesn’t work with a Coda url (or even better, a native reference to an image in my Coda doc).

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Is there a way to work with images in text fields? I’m able to use:


to take large images and generate a small set of thumbnails:

However when I try to include that array in a concatenation they show at their size, or the column width: