Jira not syncing custom fields?

I’ve just started exploring the Jira Pack (and customizing Jira itself), but am having issues getting Coda to sync any of my custom fields from Jira. It seems that no matter what I set the fields to in Jira, Coda only syncs the same default fields / columns:

Where as my “Estimated Time Remaining” or other custom columns are not syncing - can anyone point me in the right direction? Do the fields need additional settings in Jira to sync with Coda?

Thanks in advance!

I just found my answer - rather than deleting this question, I figured I’ll respond in case anyone else ends up being silly like me - Coda’s pack prebuilds your columns, but you can easily add new ones based on the data in Jira by creating a new column and choosing the “Issue” type, then selecting from the data sync’ed with Jira.


Can you explain how, or send a screenshot? When I use the Issue type I’m still limited to the default fields. Thanks!

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I am still having this problem as well and can only access the standard fields in formulas even though other custom fields show up when hovering over the issue.

I’m going to comment here because it took me a few takes to figure this one out too. There’s two parts to this.

  1. When creating your first issues table, you’ll be shown a “Setup your table” screen where you can select what fields to sync across. This looks global. In my case, I was only syncing a particular issue type and just selected the 30 or so fields that were important. You’ll see the list is split into Synced and Not Synced.

  2. Once the table is ready, you’ll notice that only the default fields are showing. Click the + icon to add a new column and select the Jira icon (mine said Issues), which shows you the full list of issue fields that you synced across earlier. If you have an existing column you want to change, edit the column, select Column Type, and you’ll see the Jira icon again with the fields listed.

I’ve truncated my screenshots so I don’t reveal anything sensitive, but hopefully they’re enough to see what’s going on.