Launched: New ways to integrate your toolstack into Coda

:wave:t5: everyone,

We have 2 more improvements to full-page embeds of Coda pages to share — clearer indications of locked page embeds and additional functionality on mobile.

You may notice that page embeds of locked Coda pages now closely reflect the locked experience of the source doc and indicate when an action isn’t possible due to the doc or page being locked. We hope this makes the process of viewing and editing these embeds more seamless.

Additionally, we have now added support for editing Coda page embeds on the mobile app, with an experience optimized for mobile.

Many thanks for all your thoughts and feedback as we continue making updates — we sincerely do appreciate it!


Thank you for the update. Could you let us know what the thinking is on allowing people who are not signed in to edit or interact with published docs? Thanks.

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:wave:t5: Hi everyone,

Many thanks again for your feedback and support as we continue to work towards sub-doc sharing in Coda.

As you may have seen, we introduced sync pages and the ability to add pages with their subpages to any doc as part of Coda 4.0 today.

To keep you all updated on our progress, I wrote an update on our content sharing roadmap here.

Give it a read and let us know what you think!


Thanks for the information. Step 4 on your roadmap is what I am waiting for. Do you have an estimated time for its completion? weeks, months, years?

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You’re welcome, @Jennifer_Biggs!

While we don’t have an estimate to share at this time as we’re gearing up for step 3 right now. please do watch for updates, especially as we get through step 3, thank you!

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Why Google Sheets and not Coda tables?

More or less?
It can be useful to consult with some linguists.

I’d schedule at least one public talk about this.
On what day would you talk publicly or privately about this?

:wave:t5: all,

Happy 2024 and many thanks for your continued feedback! :tada:

Our team has released an update today, which you can read about here.


@Ayuba_Audu , this is great news regarding embedding whole docs from coda.

But for full-page-embeds from other sources we still need a way to define the URL via a FORMULA!

We have so many use-cases where the URL of the embedded content is based on the user’s data held in their Coda tables.

But right now, the URL must be manually entered by the doc maker in every case!



An interesting finding I’ve discovered… If I use the direct link to a page in a doc that has edit access for anyone with the link and I append “viewMode=Edit” to the end, the embed works in the custom domain public site, as long as I’ve previously logged into Coda.

However, if I’m not logged in, I’m just presented with a “Coda refused to connect” error, where I feel it should just prompt for login?

This would largely solve my problems, I would just need to architect things into separate docs for editable content vs non editable content.

You can see it my example here: Embed Test · Forza Hub (

Also, another note… if you embed a published document link, the page is broken on the public custom domain site. it seems to only show the page header, even if its disabled. I don’t feel this is correct behaviour either. Surely if you can get to a published doc without logging in, it should work via embed?

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