Load File in a Column from a AWS File Link Generated in another column

I have a work flow in my table such that:

  1. I use craftmypdf pack to generate a pdf document. The result of this pack is a URL (to an AWS S3) which is stored in Column: “Results”
  2. I then have a Button from the Export to Google Drive Workspace Pack. This button can export a file from coda to google drive based on the column you are pointing the formula to upload file from.

I have seen that the craftmypdf pack only generates the URLs which when clicked or formulaically written (openwindow), download the file onto the local computer. This then I would have to manually upload to a column, say “cmpdfFile” and then point the export to google drive button to that cmpdfFile column.

Is there an automatic way to do this? That is, craftmypdf url is generated, the url is clicked and the file is stored into the cmpdfFile column and which can then be sent to Google Drive?

Hey @Apurv_Mittal, since this is a third party pack I think the best place for your questions would be with the pack maker directly. Their contact info can be found on the pack listing: CraftMyPDF Pack, extend Coda with CraftMyPDF | Coda

Hey @Apurv_Mittal

Yes - the PDF pack generates PDFs via a button action, instead of having the RESULTS column be a TEXT type column, make the RESULTS column for the button action be a file

Coda itself will ingest the file, and host it locally on their servers. You can then use the Export to drive pack to grab THAT file and push it into Drive

If that doesnt work, you can easily write a script to push it to Drive as well. Happy to help further with either.

I show some similar examples in this tutorial video here:

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Thanks so much Scott! Such a simple hack!! It worked perfectly and is quite the same as you show in your tutorial :slight_smile:
I am now able to have the craftmypdf generate its result into a file type column which attaches the file (although the scanning and uploading from Coda’s side does that a bit long) and then I push it to Google Drive through another button!
Contacting the pack maker wouldn’t have solved the problem, you did, so thanks again!

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