Move cards between Kanban projects

Hi, can I move cards between Kanban projects? I have a sales project Kanban and want to move lost and completed sales to a different place so I can monitor them - doesn’t need to be a Kanban. Is this possible?

Thanks, Kelsey

Hi Kelsey, and welcome to coda.
I have two solutions for your problem, the complicated one, and the easy one, using all simplicity of coda

1 - Complicated One

Moving a kanban card is equal to modify a row of a table, and then you can use automations to track this and run actions.

let’s have a look a consider a task table for kanban (Table A) and a second table for done tasks (Table B)

You want to automatize stuff when row is changed, checking status property go to “done”, for example. Then create an automation like this :

Row changed, table A, Column Status
Do the automation only if the card moved go to done → thisRow.[Step 1 Result].Status="Done"
Two different actions to simulate the movement of the card :slight_smile :
1/ Adding a row in Table B
2/ Deleting the moved card in Table A

For that use : RunActions(AddRow([Table B], [Table B].Name, thisRow.[Step 1 Result].Name, [Table B].Status, thisRow.[Step 1 Result].Status),DeleteRows(thisRow.[Step 1 Result]))

2 - Easy Solutions > My Favourite <3

Another easiest way to do this is to use the same table (Table A), and use filtered views according to your wish

  • First View : Filter Status different from “done”, but keep the column “Done”, so that you can move your cards, that will disappear
  • Second View : Filter only done status, to see only finished tasks appear


Please tell me if it’s OK for you or if I misunderstood yout point.


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I agree with your recommendation of the second option.

In general people are FAR to quick to create new tables, which just unnecessarily complicates life.

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Hi Piet !
Indeed that’s what I called the “simplicity” of coda.

It’s amazing to see what you can achieve by creating only a very limited number of tables. I would always prefer to work with a giant table, and process complex filtering, than creating new tables.

In @kelsey_smith use case, it’s even more logical considering that the type of data is the same (A sales project is still a sales project, even if done, and it’s always useful to be able to find back your data later.

Dont delete data, filter them -Me :wink:


Hi there, thanks for your advice.

What I wants is a second table with all the done jobs in them.

So what I’ll do is duplicate the table and then use filters as you suggest.

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Duplicate, or create a view?

Create a view - thanks

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