Currently we have these quick styles in Detail View Layout

We would greatly benefit from duplicating these layouts with a white background instead of dark gray. At least 9 creators we’ve spoken to agree that having the left column in white would improve the appearance of documents significantly:

This way we can achieve a lot nicer layouts like:
This should be a pretty quick one to create @Codans 
Add me to that list! I like the idea of the smaller items on the left but the dark color turns me off. Also some of the other layouts also have dark areas. It would be nice if you could choose to make an area dark or light. Imagine every “section” having one checkbox that colors that section dark if selected. THAT could be useful.
Dark section have little use cases. Especially because there is no visual indication for any fill-in or select field when placed in a dark section.
The developers next door are quite experienced and they said that creating duplicate layouts but without fill-in color is a 3 hours task with QA and I hope that Codans will hear us soon and deliver this quick win.
I agree with you about the dark sections, but sometimes if I just want to DISPLAY something and not have the user edit it, the dark can look good. So I can see having it as an option. I wonder if Coda has statistics on numbers of users of the different layout styles. That would be interesting to see.
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Yes. I would also like to see this.