Pack Request: Currency converter

I often need to convert prices from USD to CAD. It would be awesome to have a pack that can convert in a chosen currency, with the option to convert with a specific date in the past.


Second that - need it for a few things

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I am also in for this! Super useful for all finances.

Yes please! FIngers crossed it’s international too (I use PHP and CNY as much as USD!)

+1 and text to fill 20 characters.

+1 here too
@Karine_Robert I’m currently using “integromat” to connect currency converter, but it would be great if we could do it natively in coda

Please do :slight_smile: I’m planning a trip to Southeast Asia to 7 countries and I was trying to hack this together with an unhelpful API.

Did anyone get anywhere with this as of yet? Would love to add this to my docs if possible!!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Looking forward to this as well. But the Coda team stopped working on new packs some time ago and they are focusing on other stuff so it is unlikely it will happen anytime soon

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Has anybody tried Zapier and Mallable?

hi @Adria , can you elaborate on this:?

But the Coda team stopped working on new packs some time ago

cheers, christiaan

I have made a few tests and it worked quite well, but I don’t use it live.

Not tested this but I think the best way would be to stamp the daily rates into a coda table with zapier once a day and then use it for your formulas on that day. That way you reduce your zaps to 1 / day and don’t have to wait for the zapier delay. But I think you need zapier pro account since you need a 3-step-zap.

Hey all, we have a Packs Request table here: Request a pack - Please add and upvote!


Hi Steph, this is great! Is there something similar for other requests?

E.g getting colleagues to vote on a list of lessons learned, without them having to join Coda?


Hi Piet, thank you for your question!

At this time, this is the only request route. For voting on other things as product feature requests, that is being considered but not readily available at this time. If we have an update to share, the community will be informed immediately.

Thank you!

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What are people’s favourite currency conversion APIs? This should be a pretty easy pack to make.

The main issue I can foresee is exceeding rate limits - would likely need to cache the conversions in a table, as @Daniel_Stieber says.

How would folks want this to work?

  • Is it always about referencing a rate on a specific historical date?
  • Should the historical rates be end-of-market close values? Some other kind of average for the day?
  • How should it handle conversions for today, assuming markets are still open?
  • Do you ever need realtime rates? How fresh? Say you have a cell with the result of a conversion; do you want it to be constantly updated as the rate fluctuates?
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HI Nick,

I would say “all of the above”.

The user of the formulas in the pack should be able to say whether they need the buy, the sell or the cross-rate. Also whether they need the current spot, or a fix on a specific date. And probably also whether they need the rate for notes, cheques or EFTs.


@Nick_HE any progress here? It’s a great idea. Currently we keep a table with conversion factors and update it manually periodically.

For our needs, getting a snapshot of current conversion factors for chosen currencies at any regular interval (daily, weekly) would be a big improvement for our finance calculations. Whether it’s market close or simply at the current time would suffice.

It seems current time would be the simplest and perhaps most reasonable minimal API for most users, since an automation set for a specific time of day could be created to get market close values.

I haven’t been working on this tbh, but I saw @Hector_Reyes1 made one!

Give that guy a try

@Hector_Reyes1 the pack isn’t working. :disappointed: