July 12, 2020, 5:03pm
This one caused a little more of a headache to solve. We have been looking into this and it is being worked on.
Here are some of the parts of the project we’ve been rolling out to improve both people you have to choose from and removing people that are not your actual contacts…
Some of our favorite docs help organize peopleーaround tasks , events or even just to play games over Zoom .
If you share or publish a doc that @-mentions people or includes a table with a people column, others who copy the doc will inherit the selectable people for that doc. We’ve heard your feedback that this isn’t ideal behavior, and today we’re launching an update that clears non-referenced people when your doc is copied.
(As a reminder, you can disable the copy button for your published docs…
Docs bring ideas, teams, words and data together to collaborate, work, and inform. But we’ve heard that sometimes it’s tricky bringing your entire cohort of collaborators together in a doc due to limitations with sharing. When you click ‘Share’ and begin entering the name of a collaborator, not much happens unless you know their email address by heart or your workspace is configured to help you auto-complete colleagues’ names.
We’re changing that, and making it easier to share docs with your Go…
Coda has supported integrations with apps from Google for quite some time now, including Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Drive. If you’re using these tools with a team, odds are you’re using them as part of G Suite.
To help teams on Team or Enterprise Coda plans stay organized, we’ve launched the G Suite Directory Pack! Use the / command or Explore Panel to install the Pack to build tables and tools that leverage your G Suite Directory information.
[Screen Recording 2020-06-17 at 03.34 PM] …
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