"Search" unfortunately reveals all "hidden" pages, all hidden data

you are right @Stefan_Stoyanov ,
I don’t doubt the good intentions of @Piet_Strydom , but the @Ayuba_Audu input does not solve the transparancy issue on doc level at all.

  • cross docs remain cross docs, but will have 2WS in stage 4 also for people not part of the source doc. You can use the cross doc tables in your architecture, but you are subject to the CD restrictions
  • the sync page stage 4 will work wonderful, but you write directly in the source doc, all notifications etc take place in the source doc. You cannot relate tables to tables living on sync pages because they remain living in the source doc.

There are use cases for both (CD & SP), These stepping stones can make collaboration easier, but they don’t solve the fundamental inconsistencies we have today in our docs. Coda is free to design the docs according their liking, but a coherent approach would benefit Coda and her clients.

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