Slash Command (/) & New Tables : Creating directly "Named" tables?

Hi there :blush: !

No sure if this would be doable but I’ve recently found myself wanting to create “Directly Named Tables” from the Slash Command :innocent: .

What I mean by that is :

When I create a new table using the /Slash Command, I often don’t search the option Table in the menu but instead, I just type the “name” of the table I wish to create :blush:, exactly like I do when I want to create a view of a table :blush: .

I guess, if this is not doable, another option could be to have the ability to name the from the menu, before its creation :blush: .

/Slash CommandTableBlank table or Connected view
+ If Blank table : Give it a name or not (Default Table #)

Well, that’s it :blush:

Custom Pack maybe?

I have also wondered and forgot to ask at the Block Party - is it possible to extend slash commands using a custom Pack?

If true, tools like Go/Links will make it possible to enhance navigation productivity.

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This would be an interesting use of Packs, if it’s doable :grin: !

The ability to create Packs is still too fresh in my mind I didn’t thought about that possibility yet :innocent: !