Specific Layouts Per Row based on this row selection in a specific column

I’m looking to create a database workflow in Coda to manage “Customer Requests” for firefighter PPE sales. The process involves four types of item purchases: Stock, Custom, Hybrid, and Mixed. Each type has different data needs, making a single table complex with many empty columns.

Stocked include stocked items, as you might have guessed. This is simple and straight forward.
Custom involves complete cusomization - as if from the thread color to the pocket placement and zipper style, sizing, colors, fabric selections and the like. Head to toe, completely customized and build just for the individual customer.
Hybrid - Involves about half of the data. It’s still custom produced for the customer but the options have been vetted to limit options and reduce complexity.
Mixed - purchase of two or more of the aforementioned types in a single purchase or request

My goal is to streamline data entry by using views or conditional logic to show relevant data fields only. Since Coda doesn’t support “hide if empty” directly, I’m thinking of having different view types for different request categories and using buttons to switch views. I’m referring to view types as in Detail Layouts that have been customized. Not as in /display a view of customer requests table using the built in filter.

I’m struggling to wrap my mind around how to structure this, if it’s possible to simulate this “hide property/attribute if empty” concept, make it cohesive and user friendly, and also not have to separate into many tables. Most of the columns are already a subtable anyway.

I’m also struggling to understand how i might go about making this happen. I saw a video on Youtube by the coda guy (if you’re here, thanks for the videos!), about changing the layout view type dependent on a specific user, but I can’t wrap my mind around changing this to be reflected upon by the “type” of ROW, based on user input in that same row.

E.g. If I’m at an entry point, starting to enter the data, wouldn’t I:
A. Already be in the view anyway, so would I need another Layout view for when “blank” is selected in that columns drop down menu?
B. How do I structure those buttons to reflect that column type impacting how that row is viewed and in what layout?
C. Is it even possible to do this?
D. How would this work if switching between rows? Methinks you’d have to close that view, (like use a full screen, center, or right docked view VS. the detailed view that’s embedded into a doc as a view), and open another row instead of using a nav button (like the arrows) to move between records?
And now that I type that out, I’m not even sure if that’s a thing. But, I’ve been trying to type this out for hours and I just need to get it out of my head and if I try going back to verify that nav arrow comment, I will get distracted and not come back and submit this question.

The overarching goal is to create, in essence, a “container” to store all of the pieces of a puzzle for a very specific picture. This container follows the puzzle through all the rooms it could be built in, and is shared by all who may help put the puzzle together. In fact, the container may even need to hold partly assembled pieces for periods of time, for specific types of scenic pictures that require more contextual data. It also may need to contain notes from other people who’ve been involved. It will need to be large enough, and flexible enough to accommodate puzzle pieces of different sizes, shapes, and weights. But, given that a good chunk of (not most, but still a lot) the puzzles are small, lightweight, and simple pictures - it’s not necessary or conducive to use a refrigerator sized box to store each puzzle’s pieces within. You’d have to crawl into the box to get what you need each time.

The container itself needs to be adaptable. It should have a starting size with the ability for the user to alter the space within by only a few simple steps or clicks.

I’m open to any advice on how to simplify this process without creating inefficiencies. Also, I’ve been hard focused on this for probably 2 weeks, working hours at a time trying to work through it - so I am completely aware that I may be overlooking something simple or over thinking the situation. Any advice or direction - or concept that can be pushed my way, SOOOO appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

Dear @Melsie,

I would recommend to study this post for inspiration on how to go with your project.

This community is about support on smaller issues, but for sure not to build for somebody a full project.

The “Making”, is what’s Coda about, and when you come across some challenge, of course his is the place to ask for assistance.

Hi Mel,

I think the link that @Jean_Pierre_Traets sent you will be the best option out of many. Connor refers to his solution as an item schema, generally it is referred to as a bill of materials (bom). This is at the heart of any manufacturing and assembly business. It can take from a very simple, two level list, to very complicated.

The nice thing about Coda is that you can easily expand as you go on

You could probably also make your layout idea work. (I use that idea very successfully for a different purpose) But it is not going to solve your problem as well as a bom.

You are on the right track, start building, see what works, what doesn’t, ask here when you get stuck.

HOWEVER, be prepared that with something relatively complicated like you are doing, you will not get it ready first time round, nobody does. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Prepare to build two or three, new, improved!! versions. Again, Coda makes it easy to prototype.

But it’s just a ramble
Rambling Pete

Thank you for your advice. I’m sure this will take a few versions - and in fact, this is the 5th or 6th rendition of this particular thing, already, but I don’t expect it to be perfect right away. I don’t have many people to bounce ideas off of, specifically regarding Coda, so I was hoping for exactly these two replies that I got! Thanks so much!

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Thank you for your reply! This is going to be helpful for me, though it is taking me a minute to really switch gears in my head. I appreciate the reply that I didn’t know I needed :slight_smile:

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