Subfolders to create organization under the high level folder

+1 Really need this!

+1, This is needed.
I haven1t used Coda that much, and already subfolders are needed badly!

I would like to add my voice to this request…subfolders please!

Yes please! At least 1 more level! That’s enough. :slight_smile:

+1 to sub-folders. Or tagging. Within a folder there is no way to get any further level of organisation to documents.
E.g Opportunities > Company > individual projects.

Here we have a folder for Opportunities, but after that we have to create individual project documents in one massive flat lake of documents. However, we can’t even tag them to do a filter.

It’s like Coda has landed in some no-mans land between two file structure schools of thought 1) flat structure with tags and filter pre-sets for organisation, vs 2) folders and sub-folders.

Here we have neither really.

Forcing us to keep using sharepoint and MS docs rather than fully moving into Coda.

Hi Aran,

Trying to understand:

  1. What is the reason you have each project in it’s own doc?
  2. If projects have to have their own docs, how about arranging your file and folder structure using a Coda doc?
  • You can create a Coda table of docs in your Table of Contents doc, with a link to each document, if wanted a short explanation of the destination doc, and other meta data about that doc/ project, including a tag structure. One added benefit of this occurs in docs that need to be officially version managed - when a new eg policy and procedure doc is issued, simply replace the link to the old doc, with a link to the new doc.

  • Or you can can create a page(s) with links in the form of cards,

  • Or you can use the Coda page structure on the left hand of the doc to simulate folders.

And with the new methods of syncing and sharing docs and pages that Coda is busy working on, I think the need for a folder structure in the workspace is becoming more and more obsolete. Using a Coda doc itself to provide that functionality is MUCH, MUCH richer in functionality.

But it’s just a ramble,
Rambling Pete

Another idea: for topic 2a, you can also show that table in detail view, with a layout to suit your needs.


Hi Pete,
Thanks for your reply. All seem reasonable suggestions given Coda’s functionality, but ultimately they seem like workaround for basic missing functionality.

Many reasons:

  1. Can’t put all customer projects as pages within a customer doc as sharing rules don’t apply at a page level (can’t control sharing of individual pages differently, I don’ think).
    Each project could have multiple different docs serving different purposes that come together. And then you get multiple different projects per customer. We share externally certain docs to different users, customers and suppliers within that project.
    Putting all of the would be separate docs as pages I think would lose some of the control around publishing and external viewing access.
  2. We don’t want to create a folder per customer and then have the projects as docs as we have folders also for other areas of the business - effectively all of these folders and documents would need to sit with the Customer Success team. Unless each team in the company should have it’s own workspace? But then that creates siloed teams.
  3. Lastly I guess the updating of a Coda table of docs every time a new doc is created feels clunky with extra process steps to do what should be as simple as creating a document in a location.

+1 for subfolders! My brain is struggling to organize all these pages…

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Coda provides something MUCH better than the traditional folder structure.

The traditional folders structure is strictly hierarchical, and once the hierarchy has been created, it is difficult to rearrange that hierarchy.

You can use a doc, with the Coda Doc List Pack, to implement something like the below. (Of course, since it is Coda, you can tailor it easily to your particular requirements.)

The pack provides you with a table, listing all of the docs in the workspace, including some metadata. In the example below, I have added 5 columns:
Tag 1 - 3
Status and

Status and Comment should be self-evident. Tag 1 to 3 are used to implement a hierarchy. But it is not a strict hierarchy. As you can see in the second screenshot, Mexican Banking is in two places in the hierarchy/ structure, Finance and Marketing.

By simply dragging the tag 3 column to the front, your “folders” are re-organized.

On top of it all, you can filter and search like any other Coda table.

Alternative Hierarchy

  1. You do not need to change any of your doc structures, because this is a new doc, with links to all of your existing docs. People still will only be able to get into the docs that they have been able to get into in the past.
  2. There is no “clunky update” of the doc containing the structure, you simply need to click on the refresh button.

There are several other novel ways to manage docs that this pack makes possible:
You can rename and delete docs using a button.
More interestingly, the Copy doc button allows you to build template documents that you can copy into new instances as the need arises.

But, its just a ramble,
Rambling Pete

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+1 for this feature.
Lovely workaround suggested above but ultimately I need a way to quickly find what I’m looking for right from the workspace.
I work with clients. I don’t want to have a folder for every client. I want to have a ‘Client Projects’ folder and then have all the docs associate with their project under that folder.
That makes sense to my brain.
Seems basic.
I love Coda but the resistance to this idea seems strange to me.


Yes, after Notion, Clickup, etc etc. I have come back to checking out Coda, for this specific reason to deal with creating docs that fits better in my work flow and be able to find them- I use Google Docs out of habit, but I would love the subfolder with docs inside view to find things. I don’t find Google Drive easy to navigate (I guess I will check the resources above) but that is still a big mess when I open my Drive to find things. I was really excited about the changes since I last looked, but this one may be a deal killer.

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Any ETA to do subfolders?

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