Upload custom icons for sections

There hasn’t been a recent post about this but I’d really like to be able to upload custom icons for Docs and sections. The included ones are great, but in switching from notion it was really helpful (and clean) for quickly identifying pages to give them their own icons.


Yep - the built-in icons are far and away more flexible and useful than many competitors, but ultimately, the ability to add one’s own is the best option.

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I truly Upvote this, Coda needs to get on this train with Custom Icons to Truly represent brands with Great Feel and with more customized icon that feel not Generic. It’s a must to Make Coda a Household platform like Notion does on the Feel and Emotions


This is certainly an “edge” nice-to-have, but I would be really happy if this was added! I have some internal docs for GraphQL that I’d like to use the GraphQL icon for.

Not super important, but it’d be nice to have :slight_smile:

I too am switching from Notion, and this was definitely something they got right. However, the rest of the experience is better here on Coda.


+1 to this idea! In addition to custom images, the ability to select teammates’ profile pictures as well!


I’m considering switching, too. What’s the main thing that drew you over to Coda?

I’d like to upload custom images.


I’ll put some fuel on the fire! I want custom icons so I can use my company / product logos


I think you can do that with a “People” column.

+1 here too. Would love to have this feature. Built in icons are great, but would love custom!

The community would really appreciate this and it seems like a quick add compared to all of the other incredible stuff that you guys do!


Pleeeeeease yes! Upvote upvote upvote!


Heavy, knowledgable user of Notion here … looking for a robust, reliable, future-proof alternative to Notion, which is as charming and rewarding in use as it is clogged and unreliable. High-resolution, and custom, icons would make Coda docs more fun, and Coda more inviting.

Do not make the mistake of discounting fun. It’s a kind of feedback that rewards use — and software and hardware should reward use (primacy of UX).

Custom 300x300 px. icons ASAP, please :confetti_ball:


Would love and am waiting to see this feature.

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Agreed! We frequently create dashboards for potential collaborators and the ability to customise the main doc icon with the perspective brands logo would add a level of polish that would really impress.

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Yes please to this. I keep searching for icons and having to compormise.

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+1 for this. I am moving over from Notion as on a whole, I like this platform better, but this is one of the features I miss…


+1 for this feature! We would like to be able to use the same icon for a project through all platforms.

It also seems to threads exist for this request: Upload our own icons

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+1 for this feature. Would love to have this feature for consistency.


+1 for this feature ! It’s really important to have custom icons for the team.