What small improvements to Coda would be the most impactful for you?

Yes I would really love this as well. I hope there will be a way to create a new task and apply a template to it, without just “unchecking” or “cleaning” the previous task. I need a record of past tasks and any info added to them. If this already somehow exists, I hope someone will share with me how to achieve it as I’m very new to Coda coming from Notion.

@Andie There is a way with formulas. I learned using the method in this video. But it can be tricky to hard code it, especially as a beginner, and also not very practical in many cases. It’d be nice to have the recurrence dynamically recognize columns, etc. and respond to parameters we input (or that are already there in the table) rather than going in behind the scenes to figure it out formulaically.

Anything that would allow for better formatting.


Synced Blocks please!!


I would love an easier way to embed images into forms. At least through the interface.

+1 for synced blocks. I mentioned it as well because I totally missed seeing this post :slight_smile:


Arrange the fields in a card view more than just vertically. It would be amazing to be able to put button columns side by side, and have a card layout option for more aesthetic designs.


Also would love improvements on Forms.

  1. Simple automation for Form Submission.
  2. Being able to program logic into the form.

Dynamically sized text controls. Or at least be able to choose the size (small - regular right now, medium - a longer bar of text, or large - paragraph sized).


In Timeline chart:

A way to choose a default date format for all my docs, (or for one doc at least)


Select list dropdowns that work when in publish mode.
It’d be nice to be able to choose what my viewer sees quickly and easily rather than changing every single formula by hand just because I want to publish the doc in view mode rather than play mode. If this is already a possibility, please let me know how!

Nevermind - I just realized that “Collaborative mode” achieves what I want!

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I agree, need some work on the card views for sure. But. Check out this nav button thing I did to solve part of that pain.

I created tiny buttons, concatenated them and can put them anywhere.

I also use this technique on my cards. I will create a regular button to do what I want, then concatenate those buttons together using the hidden button formula and display them all as one column. I think you can also just make small buttons originally, use “” for the Title, choose an icon and then make another column to concatenate the buttons.

My cards look like this.


@Susan_M_Davis - What a cool idea! Thanks for the link to see how you set it up!

You are welcome. I’ve gotten so many helpful tidbits from this community, that I want to be sure to stop by and offer some of what I’ve learned to help where I can. On my phone using Coda, those tiny buttons on the cards are AMAZING!

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Hello @Susan_M_Davis

Thank you for sharing and that’s exactly why I love this community.
The sharing is so important that without it, many people would get discouraged and probably drop this tool.



Susan that layout looks amazing! I’d previously seen the concatenate buttons approach before but the way you’re using it here is 5 starts!

Thanks for inspiring us with it!

This community is the best I’ve found in any online community and Coda support is amazing as well. It’s a joy to read through posts here!

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Well I have to admit I saw the button() formula in another post and seeing some things that @Jono_Bouwmeester did, gave me the idea. I honestly never thought about NOT putting a title into a button until I saw Jono do it and I thought. You can do that?

I have a habit of clicking to the side to deselect, and I am not able to do that in coda, I’m sure everyone does this:


This is more annoying when at the far right of a long table and when you select outside the table to the right, nothing happens but when you click above it, it selects the block before it and moves your view all the way back:


And no, I don’t want to press enter instead.