Apply formula to have dynamic groups


Currently I am using a Kanban board with columns as week number.
As I want to focus on specific weeks, I am only displaying previous week, current week and 3 next weeks.
However I have to update group setting every week to pin and filter the period I want to display.

It could be helpful to have the possibility to have dynamic groups by using a formula to define which group should be pinned.

Thank you !

You would use a dynamic filter - it would look something like this:>=today().weekday()-7 &&<=today().Weekday()+27

The values -7 and +21 might have to be adjusted depending on the date settings of your doc (week begins on …

If you can’t figure it out, make a dummy doc, share it in this thread with the community and we can show this in your doc.

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Thanks for your reply.
Actually filtering is fine for me, however grouping is not, especially pinned groups.
As I want to display W-1, Week W, W+1, W+2 groups, even if the group is empty.
So I think I need to pin these groups. But every week I need to adjust the week that are displayed. As my group are named with week number.
For example W13, W14, W15, W16.
So next week I need to unpin W13 and I need to pin W17.

Thank you

as @joost_mineur said:

If you can’t figure it out, make a dummy doc, share it in this thread with the community and we can show this in your doc.

cheers, christiaan


Here is the example

Marie-Rose, I don’t seem to find a column which sets task’s date. Maybe I can’t find it. If there is none at the moment, I think it would be hard to create grouping for tasks based on time periods. If tasks have dates then you can display and group them using the filter suggested above, and may be some extra modifications based on how dynamic the filter should be (updating on daily or weekly basis).

Hello @Marie-Rose_VEA ,

There are only three tasks in your sample box - and they don’t have dates (just week numbers).

Of course, we can filter dynamically on week number instead of dates, but in order to show you what you want to, you need a lot more tasks with a lot of different weeks (weeknumbers) or dates.

And you need to set your shared doc to allow for others (like myself) to request edit access, so we can show you something in your doc.


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I have updated my example.
Also to make it clear, I have created a table to manage my week. I didn’t find another way to manage weeks. It is on Settings > Masterdata page.

You will see 2 boards.

I have tasks for W13, W14, W15 and W18.

I don’t want to display W18 today because we are on week 14.
It works on both boards, thanks to filtering and it is dynamic, so in 2 weeks it will show up as W18 will be W+2.

I dont’ have any task on W16 and W17. However I want to display the empty column of W16 (as today, W16 is W+2). But I don’t want to display the empty column of W17.
It works when I pin W13 to W16.
However next week I will need to adjust my pins from W14 to W17 to display the empty column W17.

I have added the option to ask for access.

Thank you :slight_smile:

I think my suggestion is the same as this one :
Formula to filter which empty groups to show - Suggestion Box - Coda Maker Community

I have to go - I will wait for edit access.

Your filter should look like this:


thisRow.Semaine.Semaine.Slice(2)>=today().IsoWeekNumber()-1 && thisRow.Semaine.Semaine.Slice(2)<=Today().IsoWeekNumber()+3

Hello @Marie-Rose_VEA ,

Pinning of groups can’t be done with a formula.

If you want to see empty groups within the period -1 to +3 weeks from today, you can make empty cards with formatting to show no-color, but at least show the group automatically.

I put proper filters in you tables.

Is this what you were looking for?

Greetings, Joost

Thanks a lot for the formulas for filtering !!
I will use it to simplify my real document.

I don’t want to create empty cards. As it means that I need to do it manually and week by week.

Yes I know for formulas on pinning, this is why I wanted to post on Suggestion box. Just in case others have same issue and need as me :slight_smile:
And maybe at some points Coda team will add this function !

The filters can display only the weeks you want dynamically without pinning manually the displayed groups.

Haven’t tested it and sorry to be too brief. It feels like a combination of a) canvas formula or date field (if you have dates in your cards), b) then this canvas date field or formula could be updated by an automation on weekly basis. And c) as a result the filter which uses the canvas formula to filter the weeks which are to be displayed. If the groups are not pinned they will change based on the filter.

Hi Stefan thanks for your reply.
Actually I am fine with the filter but not the pinned groups.
As you said if I am not pinning any group then only the group with cards will be displayed.
However I need the group to be displayed even if it is empty and ONLY for the specific weeks.
This is why I think at some point formula to define which group to pin could be the solution for my use case.

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