How can I get a chart per single industry

Hi all :wave: I want to use a chart, having 1-x categories (in our case industries).
A company may have more than one industry (used as a lookup).

Now: how can I get a chart per single industry, even a company may have more than one?
Right now it shows me each combination of industry as a value

Dear @Thomas_Schulz,

Formulas is not my strongest point, but did you check out First()

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If you can share this doc here, or create a sample doc to share here, that will help us see how the data is set up.

Thanks @BenLee here we go

Thanks @Jean_Pierre_Traets I am not sure if this helps, but just shared the doc here :pray:

Can you say more about what exactly you need to see in the chart? In particular, what value you need to see on the x-axis and what value you need to see on the y-axis.

If it’s just a count of the companies in each industry, you’re Industry table has that info and can be used in a chart, but it sounds like you’re looking for more of a breakdown.

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Dear @BenLee really sorry for late reply, you are right I would like to get values for each item (where they can be more than one for a company). e.g. how many companies, founded in year x are in the sector y