I want to list "capsule" from multiple column with formatting from origin table

hello. I have a table 1 formatting sales plan type and another table 2 formatting priority

I have table 3 with column A (Priority) selection of table 1, and column B (plans sale type) selection

and then i have column C which I list column A and columnn B together

However, the formatting color is not showing in this column C as it show in A and B

any formula to retrieve this color would appreciate

Hi @Korn_Tris

How did you do the column with the 2 values ? I tried several formula calling my two colored columns (List(), ListCombine() and listcombine with a direct reference to the source data rather than a call to the columns). It looks like you indeed loose the formatting if the column isnt a unique lookup column refering to your data.

Dont know if this is possible then, but not an expert of this subject. I believe @Pch just solved something like that a few days ago, may be she could help, or other member of community…
Sorry !

I think I know which one you have in mind but the problem was different :wink: …

And I don’t really see a clean solution here :confused: (but maybe someone else would :blush: ) as to pair Column A and Column B into one single list, you would need to use a Text field … so the values are somewhat converted into text …
You still have the accessible references to the rows in Column A and B and displayed with the pill (if you use List()/ListCombine()) but that stops there. If you use Concatenate() you would get their respective @ref.

If you dereference the text value of the display column of column A and column B (using something like thisRow.[Column A].Name), you would loose the reference (but gain the formatting if you didn’t use a conditional format)

Only lookup fields can pass along the formatting of the display column when it comes to rows …

That said :thinking: … Depending on how much you want to have formatted row reference, maybe you could re-create objects using the hidden Object() function and experiment with the tool-tip method you’ll find here :

You could have a result similar to what you’ll find in the sample below :blush:

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