Splitting a document in to columns... not just tables

So I was thinking about some data that I wanted to compare.

Obviously I’d prefer using Coda over anything else, but the power of doing calculations in the cell is just too great. Then I remembered that we can just do variables now in Coda! I was so pleased to just be able to do some calculations in a document and make them highly customized instead of relying on excel.

Anyways, data is always a better, in my opinion, especially when comparing it, if you can put it right next to each other.

So I was thinking how nice it would be if you could split a section in to columns for a certain part of it so you could put two columns of data on the page next to each other instead of having to just go down the page.

Here is what I was working on for reference.

I’d love to be able to split up the page and have those two sets of data right next to each other.


Totally agree. I’m working on a real estate template right now as well to manage showings, I’ll share it with you @tom when it’s ready :ok_hand:.

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Great, Al. Look forward to it.

This or having two tables side by side I find would be incredibly useful.

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And / or the ability to display key data elements with a chart to the right would be very helpful.

Being able to have content like numbered lists and stats to be put side-by-side would be killer for creating dashboards for viewing in presentation mode

Columns would be awesome :slight_smile:


Enabling columns within a doc would be very useful. Could then chose to have two or three graphs beside each other or two tables beside each other or an image and a graph… infinite options with this one improvement,


+1 to this suggestion. Small tables consume too much height stacked.

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Absolutely dying for this kind of feature too!

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Really worth. Work happens on desktop landscaped screens and visual information is always better digestible with short text strings make of indented concepts and relations through hiearchies, like drawing, like deep outlining the doc*.

Coda provides an absolute awesome mixage of features rarely offered together, versatility is in Coda a differential core value linked to the product. Nonetheless, the content it lets create (tables, cards, charts, embeds…) generally are better used on a dashboard canvas so valuable insights and actionable informations is fit into a single static page.

Current layout displays all the content on the left, even without possibility to pile elements inline (like characters).

I guess something such important like that is already on product’s roadmap, but today i’m feeling communicative and might be useful for the product management have a bit more insights.

Coda is anyway not only awesome, it’s widely powerful for almost everythin, and that’s really a beautiful milestone to be proud of. :clap::clap:

*Since always I’ve been trying all kind of software finding for the perfect combination of ux and feature offer on hundreds of tools. Just realized that only Workflowy, after many years, is the only one staying there… (and google sheets, although it’s lack of versatility out of its ‘spreadsheet’ nature, is yet the best visual programming tool deeply empowering users, only Coda sheds some light beyond…).

I hope the Coda team notices this. It would be a great addition

This is something that will take a fair amount of work to make it happen, but we’re keeping our eye on it for sure.

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This means no improvements on layouts for a while? :pleading_face: @BenLee
I’m just waiting for coda to release some updated tools to give some design possibilities to us Apps Makers…i cannot leave tables and inconsistent layouts to the final user :frowning:
World is advancing upon my project and i’m scared that my choice of doing it on coda is starting losing it advantages…:pleading_face:

Sad Mario…

Totally agree. Need this function so much.

+1 for columns in documents

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This would be really nice addition I agree :slight_smile: