What small improvements to Coda would be the most impactful for you?

This is a fun hypothetical question @Brian_Klein

In order of preference:

  1. toggle to turn off auto-complete in the duration column :point_left:
  2. Coda’s Google Contacts pack-> 4 requests
  3. user global setting || ability to Select Default Workspace
  4. user global setting || invert the Coda page title in your browser tab
  5. upload a copy of [now missing] previous Coda’s crowdcast webinars (example URL) into a YouTube channel
  6. after each Coda webinar is completed, can you please upload the audio file for each of these into a Coda podcast channel?
  7. add document size in the :gear: → Statistics menu
  8. create keyboard shortcut to select multiple pages/ subpages at once for deleting
  9. bar chart change minute duration label
  10. control over where the gradient shifts