Best iOS form app for adding entries to Coda?

What is the best iOS app for quickly creating entries in Coda? I’m looking for an app that (a) lets me set up structured forms/fields for entry, (b) works quickly, even when offline – so I can capture and sync later, and © can be pointed to a default form (so I don’t have to click through several screens to get to my form – that’s the problem with the Coda app).


I have set up a Coda doc as the repository for all my story ideas, but I’m finding Coda’s iOS app a bit unwieldy for adding new entries to my table. (My pre-Coda workflow is documented here; I’m now using Coda in place of Google Docs.)

My original workflow involved adding new ideas to Evernote; each new Evernote note then becomes a new row in Coda. Since Evernote is slow on iOS I use a speedy little app called Drafts to capture my ideas; it syncs to Evernote, and then Evernote adds a row to Coda (via Zapier.). But Drafts is unstructured, and I would prefer to set up a form that lets me capture specific fields and write them to Coda columns.

I thought about Typeform but I don’t think there’s a way for me to app-ify it on my phone; the best I could do is save a shortcut to my phone (which I could do with Coda, too) and then it wouldn’t work when I’m offline.

Any ideas?


I am trying this too, I will use drafts and then I am learning the Coda APIs to input / choose from menu the right columns or field or drop down menus selection via iOS shortcuts action Get Contact from URL

What about this!!!

It amazes me that Coda (or anyone else) isn’t optimized for idea management. When I have an idea, I want to instantaneously record it, maximum 1 click - there should be a hotkey I can press (or even a built in button on my keyboard) where I press it and a window pops up that lets me immediately enter my idea. Why isn’t this a standard thing? No clicks, no tiny little ‘+’ button somewhere, just immediate.

Then, I want the idea managed, I want the option to tag it, I want to give it a color, put it in a folder, whatever. Have it stored in a database - in, oh, I don’t know, maybe Coda.

Onenote on windows used to have something almost there with their quicknote option but they’ve updated onenote to be terrible, and in the spirit of making it terrible have removed this one simple function of the quicknote.

Does this help?