What is the best iOS app for quickly creating entries in Coda? I’m looking for an app that (a) lets me set up structured forms/fields for entry, (b) works quickly, even when offline – so I can capture and sync later, and © can be pointed to a default form (so I don’t have to click through several screens to get to my form – that’s the problem with the Coda app).
I have set up a Coda doc as the repository for all my story ideas, but I’m finding Coda’s iOS app a bit unwieldy for adding new entries to my table. (My pre-Coda workflow is documented here; I’m now using Coda in place of Google Docs.)
My original workflow involved adding new ideas to Evernote; each new Evernote note then becomes a new row in Coda. Since Evernote is slow on iOS I use a speedy little app called Drafts to capture my ideas; it syncs to Evernote, and then Evernote adds a row to Coda (via Zapier.). But Drafts is unstructured, and I would prefer to set up a form that lets me capture specific fields and write them to Coda columns.
I thought about Typeform but I don’t think there’s a way for me to app-ify it on my phone; the best I could do is save a shortcut to my phone (which I could do with Coda, too) and then it wouldn’t work when I’m offline.
Any ideas?