It. Looks. Like. It. May. Have. Been. A. Challenging. Past. Week. To. Be. A. Codan. Based. On. The. Feedback. Following. The. Pricing. Announcement. Many. Coda. Users. Shared. Their. Thoughts. About. How. The. Pricing. Would. Impact. Their. Coda. Usage. All. This. User. Feedback. Has. Been. Time. And. Energy. Intensive. For. All. Involved.
Not missing the forest for the trees, I would like to express my gratitude for the humans behind the Coda curtain.
@shishir 's creating a culture that values user feedback (@ 25:30 to 27:25)
@alexdeneui a founder who stops by just to say “hello” (!)
mallika 's endless answers
@Al_Chen_Coda 's Coda YouTube channel that give context to doc templates
angad 's confidence in Coda, and improved doc speed
alden 's work on formula preview
Ankur_Bhatia 's building the Coda’s data analytics models
adamginzberg64 's work on Coda images
benlee 's leaving REI to become a Codan
BenDavis 's leaving intercom to check in on Coda users like me at opportune moments
betty 's taking time to pre-announce hiding documents
Charlotte_Espeland 's choosing Coda
@chris 's enthusiasm for functionality/ searchability of Coda docs store in Google Drive (even if Google Shared Drive’s aren’t supported… yet)
evan 's teaching me how to concatenate
Evan_Brooks 's work on the visual refresh
fortes 's achieving the pinnacle of location independence
gilgoldshlager41 's work on Coda packs
@Glenn_Jaume 's moving from England to bring us cross doc
harisiva 's troubleshooting the trickier situations
Helena_Jaramillo 's work on packs tables (& cross doc & spotify)
Himanshu 's bringing us the ability to remove “Sent via this doc”
@jaime 's comments on Coda pricing (@ 52:00 to 53:30)
Jason_Tamulonis 's work on formula chips
@jerols 's work on the Coda mobile app (a good reminder, this stuff is hard)
joe 's teaching me how to use the Slack pack
@John_Coda 's bringing Salesforce to the masses (without having to pay $5,000 to a dev for every change)
JonathanGoldman 's choosing Coda (please build us GPS metadata functionality)
John_Li1 's choosing Coda
Kelsey_Chan 's choosing Coda and for keyboard shortcuts
kennymendes 's making sure the right Codans are on the bus
@Krunal_Sheth 's being the champion of the folding table
Josiah_Krutz 's work on embedding external content
justin 's teaching me how to use select lists to look up from other tables
lane 's teaching me about buttons
Laura_Tsunoda 's puzzle enthusiasm
@maria as the face of the most underrated channel on YouTube and for your comments on pricing (@ 53:30 to 55:50)
Matthew_Tebbs 's work on Coda links
matthudson 's defending Coda user’s on the “selling-of-data” frontier
Moriah 's choosing Coda
nagle 's being the Codan researcher
nathan 's bringing us charts and doc locking
nigel 's work on presentation mode
oleg on how Codans communicate with users, how Coda constantly gets better, & about security and privacy
preeyanka 's work on in doc templates
raechel 's growing the Coda team
sohan 's love of data (and avocados)
SpencerChang 's choosing Coda
Steve 's work on the new doc UI
Thomas_Hils 's work on the template to view task by day of the week
Tim_James 's candidness on dev decisions
tjeby 's teaching me how to slice URLs
These people are Coda’s best feature